Bill Herring, LCSW
Five Crucial Questions to Ask When Assessing Problematic Sexual Behavior
Exactly what does it mean to call any sexual behavior “problematic”, and why should it matter? Find out in this enjoyable workshop that presents a simple, practical and universally applicable way to get right to the heart of what makes a sexual behavior pattern problematic. You’ll learn five simple questions focusing on commitments, values, self control, consequences and social responsibility. This framework transcends cultural variations and can be used by anyone to quickly determine the sexual health of any behavior.
1.5 CE Hours
Bill Herring LCSW has been a psychotherapist in private practice in Atlanta for over 30 years. As a certifed sex addiction therapist (CSAT) Bill is a nationally recognized expert in the field of sex/porn addiction and other forms of poorly controlled sexual behavior. He has written numerous articles for professional journals and the general public to help improve understanding of this complex field of study. His 2017 article "A Framework for
Categorizing Chromically Problematic Sexual Behavior" introduced a new assessment paradigm that serves as the basis for the Advaned Training in Problematic Sexual Behavior certification course offered by the Society for the aAvancement of Sexual Health (SASH). In 2019 Bill was awarded the SASH "Carne Award" for his contributions to the field.