Primary Presenters must be certified addiction counselor, licensed counselor, or equivalent credential for the workshop may be submitted for approval by GACA, LPCA, GSCSW, and/or other boards.
Priority Consideration will be given to proposals received by March 18, 2022
Final selection is scheduled to be completed by March 31, 2022
Selected Presenters will be notified by email.
Suggested Topics:
Diversity and Inclusion
Alcohol Use Disorders
Opioid Use Disorders
Self-Care for Healthcare Professionals
Stimulant Use Disorders
Safe Spaces for the LGBTQ+ Community
Human Trafficking
Stigma Reduction
Are Substance Use Disorders really in our Congregation?
Medication-Assisted Training
Faith Communities Role in Recovery
Faith-based Assessments and Treatment Models/Interventions
Domestic Violence and Addiction
Sex Trafficking
Substance Use, Depression and Suicide
How Faith communities can reduce Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders stigma?
How to identify and Manage Virtual Burnout in the Workplace
Key signs and symptoms of substance use disorders that faith leaders need to recognize
Why healthcare professionals need to develop and maintain a Self-Care Regimen in the addiction field; Recommended Resources
How to maintain your sanity and survival in a Zoom world platform
To Submit a Program Proposal: Email the Application Requirements to: KellyMoselle@gmail.com
This Application Requires:
Workshop Title
Biographical Sketch for each presenter - if selected, this information will be used in the Institute brochure (30-90 words)
Program Description - if selected this information will be used in the Institute brochure (60-100 words)
Title of workshop, preferred day to present, and length of presentation (1.5 CE Hours or 3.0 CE Hours)
Three learning objectives of the program - for continuing education (CE) approval