
Lori Wilson, WSB-TV
Stronger Together: The De-stigmatization of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in the Media and the Benefits to All of Us
Lori Wilson is an Emmy Award winning Anchor & Reporter who joined the WSBTV family in January 2017. Lori co-anchors Channel 2 Action News This Morning, Monday - Friday, from 4:30-7am.

SICD PreConference Presenter
Curtis Dorsey,
Medication Assisted Treatment and Recovery:
50 Years Later
The story of Medication Treatment Assistance has long been tied to stigmas associated with drug addiction. In years past many people viewed addiction as a criminal behavior due to weak self-control or a personality disorder. today 1.3 million people around the world are on Medication Maintenance Therapy. There's stigma throughout our nation where abstinence-based therapies continue to dominate primarily for ideological reasons. However, the majority of the scientists disagree with this notion. It's changing times as we learn more and more about the biology of the brain. Even though the use of medication assisted treatment still faces hurdles , we continue to take it one step at a time.

Closing Plenary Speaker
Harold Savage, Minister
Stronger Together: How Faith Communities and Addiction Professionals Work Together
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much,” said Helen Keller. No truer words have ever been spoken. We will have a greater chance of surviving a tragedy or overcoming an obstacle if we join forces with likeminded souls and face those struggles and obstacles together. This is especially true for those good soldiers on the front lines fighting for people whose lives have been broken by additions. Physicians and counselors along with clergy and community leaders can make even a greater impact working in concert to help others through the recovery process.